How to Cook Ramen Noodles and White Rice

This technical writing assignment required me to compose a  culinary article.  I chose the famous Ramen noodles (with white rice) because it is one of the most popular food items among college students.

Asian boys eating noodlesSo you’re living on your own in university.  Since Mom and Dad aren’t around to cook your dinner, it’s time you learn how to make meals yourself.  If you like Asian food and don’t have a restaurant nearby, cooking instant noodles and rice at home is always a great meal!  It’s relatively cheap and easy to make.  This dish will teach you how to use the stove and a rice cooker for the first time.  Instant noodles and rice should take you about 30 to 45 minutes to complete.

What You’ll Need

For this meal, you’ll need a rice cooker, stove, pot, cutting board, knife and chopsticks.  You can buy a rice cooker at an Asian super market.   

At your local grocery store, first purchase your desired number of instant Ramen noodle packets.  If you’re a big eater, two packets will be enough to fill you up.  Second, go to the produce section and purchase napa cabbage or lettuce (whichever you prefer); you need your “greens” to stay healthy in university!  Finally, remember the rice; buy a bag of raw, long-grain white rice.

Let’s Get Started!

Prep Work for Cooking Rice

washing rice

Make sure you wash your rice

Before you cook the rice, you’ll have to wash it first.  Remove the silver rice-cooker bowl from the  rice cooker and place on your table.  Scoop your desired amount of rice into the bowl (usually one  cup is sufficient for one person).  Place the bowl in the sink and underneath the tap.  Fill the bowl with tap water; make sure you only fill it up until the water reaches above the rice by an inch or so (this makes it easier to rinse out the water).   Make a claw with your hand and stir in a circular motion until the water turns milky white.  Drain the water each time, by placing your hand at the edge of the bowl to prevent the rice from falling out.  Repeat this three times.  After the third wash, pour water in the bowl for the last time.  Use your finger to measure the water; the water should be deep as half as your finger length.  (Caution:  To prevent electric shock, dry off the bowl before inserting it into the rice cooker).  Finally, insert the bowl back into rice cooker.

Cooking Rice

rice cooker

You’ll need a rice cooker too

Now that you have washed your rice, plug in the rice cooker and cover it with the lid. Press down the “cook” button.  You should see a red light appear.  Now wait until you rice cooker steams.  The button will automatically pop up when it’s done.  Because the rice takes 30 minutes to cook, you’re going to cook your noodles while you wait.

Prep Work for Noodles

Open the noodle packages and remove the aluminum packets of soup seasoning.  Next, chop your vegetables into small strips on the chopping board.  After you’re finished chopping, place the vegetables to the side.  Get a small to medium-sized pot and fill half-way to three-quarters with tap water.  Place the pot on the stove.

Cooking the Noodles

ramen stove

Cook the noodles on the stove top

Turn on the stove to a low to medium flame.  Wait for the water to boil (you’ll know it’s ready when the water starts to bubble and steam).  Once the water has boiled, gently place the noodles in!  (Caution: Be careful when inserting your noodles into the pot of hot water.  You don’t want to splash the water and burn yourself!)  Let the noodles simmer until they are soft enough so you are able to lift a strand with your chopsticks.  Once the noodles are soft, open your soup seasoning and pour contents into pot.  Stir the pot and insert vegetables last.  Let the vegetables simmer for two minutes.  Turn off stove.

After Cooking 

Lift pot and use chopsticks to empty noodles and veggies into the bowl first.  Then, pour the soup into your bowl.  Your rice should be done by now.  Scoop your rice out of the rice cooker and into a separate serving bowl.


Bowl of Noodles with ChopsticksBowl of Rice

Good job!  You just cooked your first meal!  Enjoy your food and you can impress future dates with it!

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